What man actually needs is…

ADHD Quotes

Viktor Frankel is one of my heroes.

He wrote the international best seller, "In Man's Search of Meaning," a book I have read so many times it is falling apart, underlined with notes all over every page.

It is my motivational life guide.

Mr. Frankl survived the concentration camps of Auschwitz, and after being liberated was the genius who created the international psychology movement of logo therapy. A therapy based on finding each individual's purpose and meaning in life. To me it is very coach-like.

We all need to have the inner tension of a question in the air asking us what is life's meaning for each one of us; and what purpose will you fulfill which expresses your special meaning. It is your responsibility to respond, explore, and to discover your unique purpose. The one you were born to serve.

Viktor Frankel, in the 1970's, stated values in the world are being less expressed than ever before. He went on to elaborate that it is only when we identify specific events, experiences and special fulfilling moments which elicited positive emotions, and integrate some of our signature character strengths, (zest, love, kindness, creativity humor, etc) which directly relate to our chosen values. When these magical moments are aligned with your special values and character strengths, you begin the process of identifying the source of your intrinsic motivation and positive emotions.

Your Magical Moments on the Mountain are also aligned with your unique, purpose sparked by a powerful, passionate meaning which automatically activates a special heartfelt spirit in your soul waiting to be set free.

It is only released when expressed daily. I know this to be true.

It has been my experience with the hundreds of clients and coaches I have worked with for over 20 years. When the tension and turbulence life is felt, you need to pause and ask yourself what is being asked of me that needs to be explored? There is something important to be answered.

Let yourself find the question being asked and go out and answer it!!!

-David Giwerc