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Janet Hefney, AACC


Learn How To Embrace And Understand Your Inner-Self

Living with ADHD can be tough, especially when it feels like everyone around you is able to focus and get things done without any trouble.

It's easy to feel like you're the only one struggling when you have ADHD. You may feel like you're constantly falling behind, and that everything is more difficult than it should be.

The good news is, you can learn how to become more confident, more joyful, and empowered than ever before, if you’re ready to take your life off auto-pilot and grab a hold of the controls.

It's time to stop focusing on the negative ways ADHD impacts your life and understand the many positives that exist because of it.

With the correct tools combined, it will allow you to re-program your mindset.

You may need to learn how to slow down to align and reflect on your actions.

Not only can ADHD be re-envisioned from a weakness or challenge into a strength, but it can even be utilized as a strength which will allow you to become successful in your own right.

Reimagine how those things can be transformed into your greatest gifts rather than letting your struggles define you.

Business Name:
All Janet Marie

Coaching Focus:

Adult Career/Work Related Entrepreneurs/Small Business



Method of Coaching:

Telephone, Video Conferencing, In-Person

Connect with Janet

Email Janet

North Carolina, United States

Phone: (803) 370-4361

Client Testimonial

"Janet coaching me was the best decision I could have ever made. She helped me bridge the gap between my personal and professional life. During our coaching sessions Janet helped me to realize I was stuck in depression after the death of my son. I learned through her sessions that I was trying to accept my son’s death without acknowledging it. Janet helped me use the 5 A formula to help me not only acknowledge and accept my son’s death but also to arm myself with strategies I could use to take action to overcome grief and pain.

Our coaching sessions helped me sustain better relationships with family members, peers at work and/or students who are ADHD. Through these dialogues, I learned to improve my approach in order for it to be more effective when interacting with them; this led into an increase of confidence which allowed students who have ADHD to stay focused and on task longer. 

Janet also shared her knowledge to help arm me with tools and strategies to voice my worth and contributions which helped me fight for a raise, in pay, I deserved. After my raise, we worked together to implement a budget to pay down debt and save for a home. Janet coached me in the process and now, one year later, I am a homeowner. Her knowledge, patience, due-diligence and professionalism made my process a success."

My passion and dedication as an ADHD and Life coach stems from my son’s struggle with ADHD.

My initial lack of understanding the diagnoses and constantly receiving the wrong information from professionals whom I believed in, caused me to miss out on providing the necessary tools to help my son.

For more than twenty years I was an angry mom who didn’t understand this thing called ADHD.  As a mother, ADHD robbed me of many years of being a good mother to my son.

 As a result, I decided I would no longer allow ADHD to control our life. I decided to take my anger and get educated about ADHD. What I learned changed our life for the better.

My ultimate goal is to equip as many people as I can to educate them with knowledge and the proper tools to avoid the many challenges my son and I faced.

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