ADHD Quotes

#ADHD conference

At the age of 52 I went to my 1st #ADHD conference… (1098)

ADHD Quotes

"At the age of 52 I went to my 1st ADHD conference. People were spilling things, losing keys & getting lost- I was home!"   -ADHD patient

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Your uniqueness is also your creativity… (710)

ADHD Quotes

Your uniqueness is also your creativity. 

It helps you think outside the box and aligns with your strengths/values.

It helps you with problem solving. 

I prefer to think of ADHD as attention abundance disorder… (855)

ADHD Quotes

The ADHD filter often takes in more of the world around us.

It can either lead to overwhelm, or a connection to a perspective so brilliant, that when articulated, it shines the light on new pathways, products and possibilities.

- David Giwerc

The ADHD brain structure isn’t an abnormality (1096)

ADHD Quotes

"In my opinion, the #ADHD brain structure is not truly an abnormality. In fact, I believe a very good case can be made that it is not only normal, though in the minority, but may well be a superior brain structure." 

- Paul Elliott, M.D.

Engagement and interest are hallmarks of ADHD hyper focus that can… (913)

ADHD Quotes

An environment that encourages open curiosity and conversation is ADHD conducive to catalyzing creative forms of expression and innovation.

-David Giwerc

An ADD mind is super focused when engaged… (713)

ADHD Quotes

The hyper focus of the ADHD brain can be an attribute when focused on positive, purposeful tasks and goals.

However, it is important to strike a balance of activities that do not place all the ADHD enthusiasm and energy in only one arena at the expense of other important pathways to growth.

- David Giwerc

People with #ADHD find more success by… (962)

ADHD Quotes

We have innate talents that are often buried.

We need to excavate them out of their hiding places, embrace them, and use them every day so the connections to our brain make them even stronger.

-David Giwerc 

If you understand how your own unique #ADHD brain wiring works you… (968)

ADHD Quotes

When you don't understand how your ADHD has been getting in the way of what you CAN do really well, you tend to focus on what you DON'T do well.

By understanding where the challenges of your ADHD show up, you can get them out of your way and do things in your unique, successful, fulfilling way.

- David Giwerc

Attention Deficit’ is really attention inconsistency… (1133)

ADHD Quotes

ADHD is also an attention "abundance" challenge.

When you are highly interested in a subject, task or project you can intensely hyper focus on it for hours and completely lose track of time.

The key is to match the intensity of your engaged attention with a purposeful, inspiring intention.

This combination frequently manifests in a positive result.

- David Giwerc

Dr. John Bailey - Real Quotes from Real People (2755)

ADHD Quotes

"I have known John Bailey M.D. for almost 20 years, in my role as ADDA (Attention Deficit Disorder Association) President, as an ADHD coach, and when I started the ADD Coach Academy in 1998. Throughout all these roles he has been a wonderful mentor and friend. John is one of the most knowledgeable ADHD family physicians with a specialty in helping patients with medication adjustments that significantly improve the impairing challenges of their ADHD. He is also dedicated to detecting and managing other conditions of patients which complicate the treatment of ADHD.

At past ADDA conferences his sessions are packed and so well received because he has a way of explaining the practical application of ADHD medications, as well as the co-morbid/co-occurring conditions in a way that anyone can understand. 

In addition to his friendship, What I most appreciate about John is his quick wit and great sense of humor. John graciously shared some humorous quotes from ADHD patients he has worked with over a number of years. Not only did they hit home, right in the center of my humor muscle, but they also hit the reality button in my head. John brings out the best in everyone with ADHD. 

Dr J., we are so thankful for who you are and what you do to make the world for those with ADHD a more joyful, fulfilling place. Thanks for these humorous quotes, which people who have ADHD will immediately relate to. The quotes also help make people with ADHD aware that they are not alone in the challenges that so many people with ADHD face every day . 

Finally, John thanks for modeling and teaching me how important it is to have a sense of humor when living with your own ADHD."

-David Giwerc

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