Insist on yourself; never imitate… (474)

ADHD Quotes

You are a divine unique special human being created in a mold of your own. You are not a coin to be reproduced with same image, ingredients and value.You are an individual with your own special blueprint. 

You have trillions of ways you process and create in the world. Find the one or two ways you do things uniquely and successfully and go do more of it. 

There is only ONE YOU it is the only you have and will become. So why not become the great individual created in the image of a higher power. 

- David Giwerc

ADDers sense their potential… (371)

ADHD Quotes

The only way to learn how to feel successful is to experience success over and over until it overrides the old negative story and becomes your automatic second nature.

- David Giwerc

Learn to successfully manage the situational challenges of ADHD… (429)

ADHD Quotes

When you understand the positive, purposeful situations which activate your ADHD brain, you can consistently use them to ignite the energy and focus you need to create and sustain your own forward momentum and progress. 

- David Giwerc

ADHD & Music

Music a Powerful Source of Energy and Empowerment (935)

ADHD Education

For me, music is a special gift I can access whenever I need it. I can customize it to work with the emotions of my heart and it makes mundane tasks more interesting, in my head. 

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Follow Your Passion with ADHD

Passion is the Fuel that Ignites the Fire Within Our Souls (2415)

ADHD Education

Passion is the fuel that ignites the unique sparks in our hearts and drives the spirit in our souls.

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What man actually needs is… (694)

ADHD Quotes

Viktor Frankel is one of my heroes.

He wrote the international best seller, "In Man's Search of Meaning," a book I have read so many times it is falling apart, underlined with notes all over every page.

It is my motivational life guide.

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Learn how your unique ADHD brain wiring works, and you can… (801)

ADHD Quotes

The way to make your ADHD brain wiring work for you is by knowing the situations that engage your brain, and aligning it with a clear purpose you can realistically complete.

- David Giwerc